Consider all the items you bring into your home, the books, the music, the decor. Do these items honor the Lord? Do they edify your family? Do they help you to understand Christ better? Or, do they simply entertain or give you pleasure? Don’t get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with amusements, providing these do not bring danger.
Those who are covered with the blood of Christ (believers) are provided a certain amount of protection from so-called ‘charged items’. These are things dedicated to the enemy, those things that provide doorways for demonic influence. As the Israelites begin to take possession of the land promised to them by Yahweh (‘I AM’), Moses uses his final message before dying to warn them about keeping any idolatrous items found in the spoils of war.
Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. Regard it as vile and utterly detest it, for it is set apart for destruction. – Deut 7:26
These are hard words, and as Moses spoke them, he probably had a heaviness to his heart, for he surely knew that the people would disobey and fall into heathen practices, worshiping other gods.
So, what’s in your home? Take today to ‘take stock’ of your shelves and your heart. Let the LORD speak to you, guide you, inform you, and if you find any items or any secret desires that serve any master other than Christ, ask the Father to help you remove that ‘detestable thing’.
May Christ be praised and lifted up in all we say, do, and think.