It’s been quite a ride since coming on board with SkyWatchTV, but the last fourteen months have brought about a major shift in my health and wellbeing. For those who watch SciFriday, you know that both Derek and I have lost weight over the past year or so. He’s lost about 40 pounds, and I’ve lost 100. As someone who’s dealt with health issues since turning forty, I can tell you that redesigning my body has brought me lots more than winks from my husband. I’ve found greater energy, stamina, and less pain and mental fatigue. I’ve heard from many viewers who want to know my ‘secret’, but the truth is it’s simple: Eat less and choose foods with high nutritional value. In other words, eat for fuel, not for fun or because of emotional needs.
I’ll be writing a book about this next year, but for now, I’d love to hear from you if you need a bit of encouragement on your weight loss journey. If I can do this, anyone can. Our bodies are an essential part of serving the Lord, so it helps to keep them functioning correctly. Cells need a variety of substrates to conduct their business. You can’t starve your way to better health. You can’t fix it with a pill. You can’t make this a short term option, hoping for a quick fix. It’s one meal at a time, one choice at a time. Every day. For the rest of your life. We’re living this life for Christ. Let’s make it count!