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Flynn has deciphered Isaac Newton’s greatest discovery: None other than ‘the unified field theory’ of Bible prophecy.
July 17, 2008
IF YOU’RE NOT familiar with David Flynn, then you must have spent the last five years living underneath a rock, or else you’re brand new to the internet. Either way, Flynn’s work has become standard reading for anyone attempting to reconcile Bible prophecy with UFOs and the ‘Face on Mars’. His ground-breaking book, Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars sold out long ago (if you’re lucky, you might find a used copy online). And I have no doubt that this one will follow suit (hint: order your copy today).
Derek and I are blessed to have one of the rare copies of Cydonia, and I’ve read it through, cover to cover a dozen times over. This being said, you can imagine how thrilled I was to learn David has turned his numerical acumen onto the very scriptures themselves — following in some very large footprints, those of renowned mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton. A note of caution to those who read this amazing work: Prepare to have your head explode.
In Temple at the Center of Time, Flynn follows the trail left by Newton and others who sought the prisca sapientia or ‘ancient widsom’ of men like Plato, Pythagoras, and King Solomon. This isn’t a wizard’s hunt for the Philosopher’s Stone — far from it. It’s so much more — a journey to unlock the quantifiable definitions inherent within God’s ordered universe. There is no hocus pocus here, only sound logic and reproducible mathematics.
As with his stunning revelation regarding the encoding of ‘pi’ in the Roswell crash as a marker, Flynn shows us the parallel encoding of not just ‘pi’ but the very numbers of judgment revealed in ‘mene, mene, tekel, upharsin’, God’s handwritten warning to Belshazzar in ancient Babylon. The LORD God Almighty is the chief architect of the universe; His handiwork is marvelous to behold. And His judgments and prophetic timelines bear scientific scrutiny of the most glaring kind — the application of geometric measurement and standard calculation. (Not surprising since God invented geometry!).
Crop circles, Noah’s ark, the Ark of the Covenant, Eden, the Millennial Temple, and even the Statue of Liberty all play parts in Flynn’s ultimate ‘connect-the-dots’ scenario. His arguments are sound, and his conclusions startling.
I’d love to reveal the secrets hidden with the 304 pages of Flynn’s magnificent opus, but that would be cheating. Besides, I could never match the elegant beauty of the author’s text. I’ve read it through twice now, and I plan at least twice more — and that’s just for starters.
God’s prophetic clock is ticking toward Christ’s imminent return. The hands are nearing Midnight. It’s incumbent upon all Christians to seek to understand the prophecies of Daniel and John.
David Flynn may just have given us the key.
Can’t wait, still want a Cydonia.
I just pre-ordered at Amazon
stevequayle.com has a few Cydonia books,at normal price. š
Dear Sharon, I love RNN and the Horns! Been a Conservative activist and Republican since Goldwater days as a kid. Also, a Christian. Since then I have gradually pursued the Truth about what is Really happening and Why? I would now describe myself as an America-First Populist and Christian Truth Seeker. I missed Flynn’s Cydonia book hope it comes out in paperback edition and I can get it on Amazon someday!! Could the Face on Mars be that of Lucifer before his Fall?? Would love to be an US astronaut explorer on Mars!! There seems to have been a deliberate slow down on returning to Luna as well as on getting to Mars?? Perhaps its because the Fallen Angels that control the heads of the Secret Societies who control the White House do not want the Humans of Earth to find out who and what really resided on Mars until God unleashed his Holy rath upon it and Earth too aeons ago?? God Bless You in the name of Jesus Christ!!
Dear Sharon, I love RNN and the Horns! Been a Conservative activist and Republican since Goldwater days as a kid. Also, a Christian. Since then I have gradually pursued the Truth about what is Really happening and Why? I would now describe myself as an America-First Populist and Christian Truth Seeker. I missed Flynn’s Cydonia book hope it comes out in paperback edition and I can get it on Amazon someday!! Could the Face on Mars be that of Lucifer before his Fall?? Would love to be an US astronaut explorer on Mars!! There seems to have been a deliberate slow down on returning to Luna as well as on getting to Mars?? Perhaps its because the Fallen Angels that control the heads of the Secret Societies who control the White House do not want the Humans of Earth to find out who and what really resided on Mars until God unleashed his Holy rath upon it and Earth too aeons ago?? God Bless You in the name of Jesus Christ!!
Dear Sharon, I love RNN and the Horns! Been a Conservative activist and Republican since Goldwater days as a kid. Also, a Christian. Since then I have gradually pursued the Truth about what is Really happening and Why? I would now describe myself as an America-First Populist and Christian Truth Seeker. I missed Flynn’s Cydonia book hope it comes out in paperback edition and I can get it on Amazon someday!! Could the Face on Mars be that of Lucifer before his Fall?? Would love to be an US astronaut explorer on Mars!! There seems to have been a deliberate slow down on returning to Luna as well as on getting to Mars?? Perhaps its because the Fallen Angels that control the heads of the Secret Societies who control the White House do not want the Humans of Earth to find out who and what really resided on Mars until God unleashed his Holy rath upon it and Earth too aeons ago?? God Bless You in the name of Jesus Christ!!
I’ll get the latest book,,, can’t wait! Melissa – thanks for the tip… I just called Steve Quail’s site, for the Cydonia Book. I was told it would ship on Monday. So much moving forward at a blinding pace. To all – stay in prayer for the protection of the remnant. Blessings.
Another great book that is absolutely free is 2008 – God’s Final Witness, available for order at http://www.the-end.com
Guess I must be under a rock š
I greatly caution readers of “other revelations”, especially those whose wisdom is derived from numerology, ufo’s ………..
All our future has been written about beforehand in the Bible……..
Guess I must be under a rock š
I greatly caution readers of “other revelations”, especially those whose wisdom is derived from numerology, ufo’s ………..
All our future has been written about beforehand in the Bible……..
Guess I must be under a rock š
I greatly caution readers of “other revelations”, especially those whose wisdom is derived from numerology, ufo’s ………..
All our future has been written about beforehand in the Bible……..
All Christians should peruse the countdown site-then read pro-golpher Kermit Zarley’s book-The Third Day Bible Code, which agrees. You have no idea what you are talking about until you do.
Sorry: the site is http://www.countdownto2070.com
Sharon, God bless you and Derek for giving us an opportunity to hear the truth!! I agree our time is short and the leaders in our churches are NOT preparing their flock for what is to come! We need to live each day as if it were our last day on earth and live for Jesus.
God bless š
I am responding to the reply from Lewis Brackett. I appreciate his concern for adherance to the Scriptures of the Holy Bible. I know Dave Flynn personally, and as a graduate of Biblical studies, I can affirm that Dave’s conclusions are in line with Biblical texts and intended to help others study for themselves the truth of God’s Word.
Amazon says this book will be released on July 1, and i preordered it on July 26. It still has not been released though….does anyone know when?? Anxious!
David’s book remained in editing a bit longer than anticipated — making it all the better. Tom told me a few days ago that he expects a release date in early to mid-August. Hang in there! Believe me, the book is worth waiting for! — Sharon
We already have evidence of what David’s incredible brain can do. But what is even more of a testimony, I think, is that despite his indescribable abilities…the man manages to stay humble. That speaks volumes because this ability can only come from one source…his Savior and Messiah! I too am pre-ordering and cannot wait. Bought Cydonia (now all high-lighted, marked up and dog-earred) 2 years back and still do re-reads often; it has become a desk reference for understanding the mystery schools and such, which is no easy thing.
Oh My goodness! I live in Rio de janeiro, Brazil and I’d really wanted so much to have a copy of Cydonia: the secret chronicles of mars, but unfortunately I have no international credit card (it doesn’t matter anymore, the book was long sold out) my last hope would be to ask for my brother who lives in NY to buy it on Stevequaile’s website, before it’s all over completely!
Temple at the Center of time is another one that is on my list of most wanted books, after I read Flynn’ website (mt.net-watcher) I was so astonished with all these stuff regarding fallen angels, anomalos structures on Cydonia, 33, 2012, the Precession of the Equinoxes, angelic technology… woooww!!
folks, it is so mind-boggling that I decided to translates to portuguese all the contents and spread this info over the internet!
Thank God He raises people like Dave Flynn to open our minds on complex issues to christianity.
If your intent is to sell this book, it’ a poor, poor, way to go about it. I gathered from other sites, that Flynn’s idea dealt with distances in miles??, from Jerusalem to a couple of cities, and then willy nilly, assigning year dates to these distances. Yuk, talk about getting things bass-ackwards. This measurement seems to be from Jesus’s birth in the holy land, and the ancients thought that the Great Pyramid, was where the “chords of fate” were first measured. I can’t see buying this book, from what you put up on this site. Sorry.
I guess I was misinterpreted, it is absolutely not my intention to sell any Flynn`s book, if that was it my intention at all it’ll be better to contact him or his Publishing House rather than tell it here š
I’d like to buy these books just to read and try to understand the views of the author concerning all topics I mentioned im my last post.
can I buy the book as an ebook?
I pre-ordered this book through Amazon and it still hasn’t been released! I found it on SurvivorMall.com and they’ve already shipped it!
good site krsdgq
I would like to officially go “On-the-record” in recommending that Alex Jones (Of “Infowars”) have David Flynn as a guest on his show.His work is some of THE most fascinating and intriguing that I have seen,and I think it would prove to be one of Alex’s BEST shows EVER!
Larry R.Vickery Jr.
aka: “OwlMan”
NOTE: Click on my website link to read my article about “The Watchers” where I combine the work of Jones and Flynn,with an added “Twist” of my own research and theories.I believe that you (Everyone) will find it VERY interesting to say the least…
I read the book one time. I am now reading it the second time and it’s as if I haven’t read it before!
There is more in this book than one can absorb in one reading.
Thank you David Flynn!
Well said Sharon. I have only recently discovered David Flynn’s research, and finished this book in review a couple of days ago. What a brilliant piece of work! I am truly amazed by this man’s insight.
Dear Sharon… I am trying to find an e-mail address or publishing house for David Flynn. I am trying to see if I can get a copy of “Temple at the center of time.” I am disabled and live on such a super fixed income and I cannot afford to purchase books for study.
On occasion when I ask some authors have very unselfishly opened their hearts and sent me a book or two. I would appreciate any help you could offer.
Rev. Wayne Stokes
8310 McFarland Road
Indianapolis, IN 46227
Thank you for your time.
Hi Wayne,
I’ve sent a request for a copy to the publisher on your behalf. Feel free to email me privately. May the Lord bless you and your ministry.
— Sharon
I am an author of a book called The Morning Star and I lay out the measurements of the bible and complete the quantum equations sought for many of thousands of years by many of men. The geometry of Old and New Testaments lead you to a harmonic formula which leads to the geometry of all life both symmetrical and asymmetrical. You will soon see that the Morrison Digital System is the completion of the electro-magnetic code of the universe. This book isn’t published yet but will be soon. All of my work is original but I am now coming into focus with the work of other scientists. I don’t believe in aliens but simply angels and demons. I however believe in angelic beasts such as the four beasts of Ezekiel. I have quite simply solved the energy code of the universe and you would be amazed how simple it really is!
Michael Wayne Morrison (Rev.22:16 Dan.10:21)kjv.
michaelwmorrison@aol.com (845-594-8080)evenings after PM est. thanx
Dear Sharon,
Thanks God that I finally got to your website.
I am a Christian from Hong Kong who is looking for the books “Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars” and “Temple at the centre of Time” for my pastor. We have searched online for these books (especially the former one) for long and found that there were only used copies for “Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars” on Amazons (which are rather too expensive for us to afford) and we could find no more way to buy it. I would like to see if you can offer any help to us on getting some copies of the books.
This will be very helpful to my pastor’s ministry as he is in an urge to preach about year 2012 and some more prophecies and revelations of the year through the Bible, and particularly the understanding of Flynn.
If you don’t mind, just contact me through my email.
I would appreciate any help from you.
Thanks and may God bless you.
Dear Sharon,
Thanks God that I finally got to your website.
I am a Christian from Hong Kong who is looking for the books “Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars” and āTemple at the centre of timeā for my pastor. We have searched online for “Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars” for long and found that there were only used copies on Amazons for the former one (but they are too expensive for us). We would like to see if you can offer us any help to get one or two copies of the books for preaching purpose.
This will be very helpful to my pastorās ministry as he would like to preach about 2012 and reveal the underlying truth through the Bible, which the understanding of Flynn does help.
We would appreciate any help from you. If you donāt mind, please contact me through my email.
Thanks and may God bless you.
For those still looking for the book, Amazon has it for as low as $10.17. Here’s the link: http://www.amazon.com/Temple-Center-Time-Investigations-Dimension/dp/0981495745/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1201804511&sr=1-1
Passage Through the Veil of Time
I have known David sence I was eight years old. Frow what I know he wont say or write tha something is true before doing a long investigation in to it. I stand by him 110%
Can you figure this out???
Very interesting. You should be able to figure this one out very quickly. Or know some one who can.
Keep up the incredible work. I would like to be with you in 2012. August and on. Is there a safe haven? I’m loking at the high desert in Arizona. I have A wife and 1 child.
No one believes me when I speak of the Profecies surrounding 2012.
we really are a tight SMALL group of Believers. (For now)
Bill vickers 858 349-6387
Watching the skies daily in San Diego, Ca. Thanks
Can you figure this out???
Very interesting. You should be able to figure this one out very quickly. Or know some one who can.
Keep up the incredible work. I would like to be with you in 2012. August and on. Is there a safe haven? I’m loking at the high desert in Arizona. I have A wife and 1 child.
No one believes me when I speak of the Profecies surrounding 2012.
we really are a tight SMALL group of Believers. (For now)
we really are a tight SMALL group of Believers. (For now)
Pearl Trees Of Life [a vast resource of evidence]:
Freely you have received, freely give…
David Flynn has been diagnosed with a braiin tumor and needs prayer, there is a prayer vigil set up at his forum by the members, God bless. http://watchermeetup.50.forumer.com/viewforum.php?f=2&sid=f5d0c2dbd36da11c9aad878e312cb6c7
tell david to drink the sap from the tree its called chlorophyll same as the blood just mag instead of copper…cant wait till book comes out cuzz
This is a great book. I just got around to reading it even though I have watched videos of most of David Flynn’s talks at the Ancient of Days conferences in Roswell where he has covered much of the same material. Several other authors have made the link between the location of cities and megaliths, etc. on the earth but David takes it a step further by linking this to time and prophecy. The first time I heard David speak about the location of Roswell and the ancient cities of Sidon on the 33 1/3 parallel I happened to look at a US map and noted that Sidon,MS is also located at 33 1/3 degrees latitude. Coincidence? It would be interesting to see who named the town in that location and why. I wouldn’t be surprised to find a Masonic link?