Take a look at the text of a bill meant to reduce school violence. Section II-G(12) and Section II-G(13) include definitions of ‘bullying’ and ‘harassment’. According to the following sub-paragraphs, the term ‘bullying’ means conduct that: (A) adversely affects the ability of one or more students to participate in orContinue Reading

UPDATE: This afternoon, Sanford ‘admitted’ he had gone to Argentina for a tryst with a woman he has known for eight years. AP reported Sanford as saying that he’d spent “the last five days of my life crying in Argentina”. Sanford says the affair is over. Will he leave office?Continue Reading

MAYBE I’m old fashioned, but I expect governors to keep regular office hours. Apparently, Mark Sanford of South Carolina disagrees. Sanford has a habit of disappearing–without explanation or advance warning. And now, he’s done it again. Sanford got rid of his security force on Thursday in favor of time alone.Continue Reading