Thanks to the cookies, Texas sheet cake, and Pepsi leftover from my birthday celebration, I’ve plenty of steam to push me past Day 3 and heading for Day 4 without a blip or a bump. The words are coming pretty easily as I finish three half-baked books from the pastContinue Reading

Can it that this is only Day 2 of the November marathon? Many of you WriMos most likely spent the entire night writing like the wind, but I gave up and went to bed at my usual time. Yesterday was a great kick-off, and I hit 2500+ with ease. Now,Continue Reading

Ah, it’s that time of year again: National Novel Writing Month! The challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days always charges up my creative brain cells. As usual, my plot took several path twists as I rushed headlong into the flurry of typing without thinking–a sort of ‘stream ofContinue Reading