[A]fter a long absence, PID Radio is finally back on the ‘air’. The April flooding of our basement level completely disrupted life in the Gilbert House bunker. Anyone who’s experienced a major house repair or redesign can appreciate the joys of moving an entire floor to other places in the house. All furniture, personal items, bedding, books, office items, etc. have been cramping our closets and cluttering our living room and bedroom for way too long, but I’m so happy to say it’s almost over! Carpet and vinyl have been installed, the washer/dryer back in place, the damaged bathroom vanity replaced, and the furniture returned to previous positions. Despite a few hiccups with the plumbing, Derek prevailed (thanks to the Lord’s help!), and the lower level bath even has a functioning water supply!
We spent yesterday putting on a few finishing touches (like putting up a shower curtain), but we also switched the ‘bunker’ to our second bedroom on the main floor. Derek never complained, even though he had to disassemble and then reassemble two L-desks and reconnect all the computer lines. Thank you, Lord, for a loving and patient husband, who never complains about a thing! Once the new ‘bunker’ was online, Derek and I donned our headphones and recorded our first PID Radio in weeks. What a joy! Even though we’ve been at this since March, 2005, the simple joy of sharing an hour’s chat with my hubby never gets old. We might not always make perfect sense, and our inside jokes might not always make you laugh, but we truly love what we do.
Over these past eight years, we’ve been privileged to hear from many of you who listen, and one comment occurs again and again. You tell us that it’s our rapport and true love for each other than makes our podcast different. Well, dear friends, I can honestly tell you that our relationship today is stronger, deeper, and far more amazing than it’s ever been. Wow!
With PID Radio and VFTB back on schedule, we are now seeking the Lord’s guidance for the future of our ministry. Please, keep us in prayer as we seek His will. We love each and every one of you, and it is your continued fellowship that invigorates us and spurs us on!
My writing plans for this year have shifted slightly with the addition of two more ‘assignments’ on my plate. I spend most of my day either writing or researching, and I can’t imagine anything better. Because my schedule is much tighter than before, I will not be sending out any weekly newsletters. Instead, I will use the newsletter to send out monthly reports. Thanks to all who’ve signed up–I will send out a quick note about the new schedule asap.