Death rides upon an evil wind, and Hell follows with him; that is the grim scenario facing the world today. Biblical Prophecy is playing out in our daily headlines headlines which change minute by minute, hour by deadly hour, and it is growing clearer with each passing day that the world is simply not ready. Sharon K. Gilbert calls this event the Blood Snake Plague , because Ebola, when gazed upon through the clarifying lens of an Electron Microscope has a peculiar, linear, curving, reptilian appearance. This infinitesimally small virus, just 1/100 the thickness of a human hair, has but one plan: Hijack every human cell and force them to produce more Ebola virions more blood snakes, which in turn infect more humans until there is not one human left alive. That is the enemy s plan. That is why the Rider is given authority over the Earth, but God Himself restricts the enemy s plans and grants him the power to slay only one quarter of all mankind. Are you ready for the Rider and his Hellish Companion? The Blood Snake is his weapon, and it is a thirsty weapon thirsty for human blood. The enemy wants a bloodbath. Jesus Christ has given us prophecy so that we can warn others, and He wants us to be prepared. Are you?
- Paperback: 125 pages
- Publisher: Defender Publishing (November 15, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0990497445
- ISBN-13: 978-0990497448