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March 15, 2009
THOSE with a discerning eye and a good memory might just have noticed that this site’s overall theme has changed–dramatically. Derek and I decided to update the look of our websites this weekend.
UPDATE on PID books
Doctrines of Demons is very close to completion. Look for it to soon follow Derek’s to the order page. Writing this has been a long, labor of love for me. Health issues have plagued me for months–long story–but sunshiny days and improving health have enabled me to move ahead at light speed. I am also writing Powers & Principalities, so the entire Laodicea Chronicles series should be complete by year’s end. Then, it’s on to finishing up the other five or so books that have been simmering on my mental back burner!
Derek’s upcoming novels: Trees of Glass, the sequel to Iron Dragons is scheduled for publication in early to mid 2010. The God Conspiracy is nearly ready for publication – I’m doing the final edit now.
If you’re new to this site, you’ll want to explore the categories option and the archives. If you’ve been here before, stay tuned! Objects may appear closer than they actually are!