The previously announced title for Book 8 of The Redwing Saga has been changed from Two Knights Defence (British spelling) to The Poisoned Pawn. Also, the originally planned release date of late December, 2021 has been changed as well. Due to a very crowded schedule this summer, my free hours to write have been reduced dramatically.

However, the manuscript is over half done, and the plot thickens (as usual).
And as so often happens when delays occur, I’ve had a chance to read more about the era and about the spiritual and political histories that led to World War I (the topic of the next two books). As such, these two books will now be much stronger.
In The Poisoned Pawn, the Habsburg Dynasty and the friction and jealousies amongst the children of Queen Victoria will lead our hero and his inner circle into dangers aplenty. But our Lord always triumphs, and He uses these stresses to strengthen His own.
Consequently, the tentative release date for The Poisoned Pawn is now set at late March to mid-April. See you then!