NaNo Day One – Word Count 1162

More than 24 hours after the first, frenzied moments of National Novel Writing Month, and I’ve written only about one thousand words. In my defense, I did spend part of yesterday researching (that’s what I get for changing my mind about the book at the last minute!)–and I had the pleasure of sharing our home with two separate guests, lovely ladies from our church with whom I shared conversation, coffee, and cinnamon rolls.

Of course, I had to stop it all around 4:30 to hurriedly find and link to the news that Derek and I would cover in last night’s PID Radio. So, with all those excuses out of the way, here’s the link to my Google Documents online novel. Each day, I’ll post that day’s effort, but only one day will be up at a time. So, as of this time tomorrow–the opening will be gone, replaced by Chapter 1 and whatever else I manage to write today.

How’s your writing going? If you’ve not joined, it’s not too late! If you write 2000 words per day, you can finish in just 25 days, so jump into the water with the rest of us ducks!

Link to National Novel Writing Month:

Link to the Prologue of my 2010 Novel: