Punching a black bear in the face is likely not on the top of anyone’s ‘safety list’, but I’d like to send a shout out to the Juneau, Alaska woman tho did just that–and all to save her little dachshund, Fudge. According to an Associated Press article posted today atContinue Reading

In very early 2009, I had a very disturbing dream that I described in a post from March 22 of that year. Since that time, I’ve watched and waited, knowing that Washington DC must surely be in the path of the LORD God Almighty’s arm. This divine arm may soonContinue Reading

MANY of you are aware that I’ve been dealing with the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) for years now; in fact, the initial symptoms began nearly 15 years ago. I’ve grown accustomed to days where walking up and down stairs is a struggle, but it’s the cognitive problems that haveContinue Reading