Thanks to all who’ve been reading the free chapters of Doctrines of Demons. If you’re just now seeing this, click here to catch up! As you read, please remember that this is the final draft. It’s likely to have minor alterations before we hit the button on final publish. InContinue Reading

Sorry for throwing a wrench into your reading, dear friends! I won’t be posting a new chapter this week, because I’m wrestling with a staph infection on my leg that’s left me really tired. In the meantime, if you’re wondering what on earth I’m talking about, click here, and you’llContinue Reading

While Derek and I host our pastor’s wonderful children for a couple of weeks, I’ll need to spend more time ‘off line’. Hence, I’ll be taking a 2-week hiatus from writing articles about the ‘Bible in 90 Days’ Challenge. If you’re following the schedule, please continue! I’ll ‘catch up’ inContinue Reading