Prayer Request

PLEASE keep Derek and me in your prayers. We may be under a spiritual attack, or it could just be aging bodies! Either way, your prayers and petitions to our Lord will accomplish much.

Derek’s back is complaining, though he seldom does. My fibromyalgia has decided to once again rear its ugly head after months of reprieve. Those of you who suffer from chronic diseases or conditions certainly can relate, I know.

One of the worst parts of the fibro attacks for me is that I often experience ‘the blues’ along with it. This could be biochemical or spiritual, or perhaps a bit of both. It’s really difficult to write and be creative during such times, which is just what the enemy wants — he wants each of us to stop trying.

We’re living in the final skirmishes of an ages-long war, but we cannot falter now. We must stand and hold the day, as we hold on to each other and the promises of our King.

Thank you for lifting us up–and we promise to lift up each of you, petitioning the Lord for His continued grace, favor, and strength as hard times press upon us–His children.

The Almighty Comforter is a balm to my weary soul when I am at my lowest, and He often speaks through your emails. Thank you, dear friends.

One day soon, we shall we join together–pain free in brand new bodies!–and proclaim Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Worthy is the Lamb.

Keep looking up! Our redemption draweth nigh!


  1. Been praying for you guys since yesterday when I saw the announcement that you wouldn’t be doing a radio show.

  2. I pray for you and everyone that is doing God’s calling. I really started when Derek reported Israel Agrees to Two-State Solution. This is not a good thing nor is it from God!

  3. Sharon & Derek ~ my prayers are on the way for you guys!
    I appreciate your work so much, in Jesus, Larry Taylor…

  4. Dear Pastor,
    Kindly accept my regards .Please be so kind to pray for my father who is suffrering blood presher diabetic and liver mull functioning. He has become very weak .
    We shell be grate full to you for remembering us in your prayer.

    Thanks and regards

  5. Dear Pastor

    I Live in Pakistan. Please pray for me & my family. I Need Spiritual gain, God give me unknown languages, fill me with Holy Spirit, give me power of preaching words of God and the year 2009 will be the year of success for me and my whole family and God bless my Family.

    Thanking you,

    your Brother,

    Ashraf Gill & Family
    Lahore Pakistan
    Mobile No. +92300-4441488

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