I clearly remember the day when I first heard Paul McCartney’s solo album song, Maybe I’m Amazed, for the first time. I was sitting in the room I shared with my younger sister at my parents’ house in Dupont. It was a humble room, and Debbie and I had few extra dollars, but we managed to purchase a copy of McCartney’s debut effort as a single–the heartfelt collection called simply, McCartney. It was April, 1970. I was a few weeks from graduating at the time. I was between boyfriends, and I recall being myself ‘amazed’ at the lyrics–describing one man’s open devotion for his wife.
Little did I imagine that later in my own life, that I would discover such a love–dedicated, selfless, and open-hearted–in my own life.
I have often spoken of Derek’s remarkable love, and I did so again during our most recent PID Radio. But let me share with you one of the reasons that Derek so ‘amazes’ me. I have often been told that I’m ‘pretty’, and perhaps with makeup, that has some truth to it. As a performer in Indianapolis-based bands, an opera singer, and even as a performer in Christian music, my appearance has been graded, lauded, panned, picked on, and nitpicked by audiences, boyfriends, directors, and agents for most of my life. Derek is the very first man who ever told me that I’m ‘pretty’ when I have absolutely no makeup on at all. And he loves me fat, skinny, in between. No matter what, this amazing man looks at me with honest devotion.

The picture to the left was taken with our iMac just about an hour ago. My hair is wet, my skin shows all its bumps and flaws–acne rosacea is a battle I’ve fought for years. My eyebrows are practically non-existent without a pencil, and my lashes almost disappear without a little help from my mascara ‘friend’. Yet, the ‘mirror’ of my husband’s eyes reflects just as much love for this unadorned face as it does for one with perfect eyes, skin, and hair.
So it is, that I want the world to know that only such a miracle comes from the Lord God Almighty, Who, for His reasons, gifted me with this humble, loving, ‘amazing’ husband during the latter years of my life.
And yes. I am truly amazed.
And that’s what true love is! Great post, Sharon.
Beauty. Honesty. Just moved me to tears. Oh my………….
Wonderful post! I remember when that album came out. i have often thought about my relationship with my wife in those terms. God created both of us for one another and worked in his providence to bring us together. Wonderful, wonderful post.
That’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read.
We’re blessed to catch but a glimpse of the love you two share. :0)
On a more serious note, you should see what I look like without makeup.
This is my favorite McCartney song – that includes all the Beatles oeuvre. I think it’s exactly because it does what the best of other rest of the Beatles songs do – touch on something in my own life that resonates.
I love listening to you guys dote on each other during the PIDcasts. I know the feeling Derek has every time I look into the eyes of my own beautiful wife.