[W]ith Ebola dominating headlines across the globe, many people have either forgotten or never knew about the troublesome virus called Chikungunya. My husband and I started discussing this disease several years ago on our program, PID Radio, but since its emergence in Tanzania in 1952, the virus and the mosquitoContinue Reading

[T]his report may not have crossed your radar, but if you live in Charleston, South Carolina, then it’s probably been near or at the top of your list of ‘concerns’. We’re told that an unnamed male service member who recently returned from Liberia has been under quarantine there since Thursday.Continue Reading

[A]s if dealing with hemorrhagic fevers such as Marburg and Ebola isn’t enough to concern young women in Africa, recent claims that ‘anti-tetanus’ inoculations are in fact intended as population control must feed a growing distrust for ‘western’ medicine. Catholic bishops in Kenya and medical professionals in the region haveContinue Reading